The beginning of the school year was truly chaotic but I am finally – finally – settling into fall. The year 2016 has not been my favorite, I will admit, but I feel such a positive energetic shift lately! And while tomato season was technically over at the end of September, I refuse to say sayonara for a couple of more weeks.
According to the rules of search engine optimization, I think that I am supposed to tell you in the first sentence of my post that these curried lentils with pickled fennel and wilted kale are the best thing that will ever happen to you. And they are. But what I really want to tell you is that the last month of summer and beginning part of fall have been nutso here on the home front. I love my kids more than life but thank God they are back in school. Halle-freaking-lujah! read more
These nut meat tacos with jicama shells are my gateway drug to raw vegan food. I love nut meat tacos and if you haven’t tried them, you should! This was dinner last night and in a couple of hours, it will be my lunch, too. When your Meatless Monday slides right into your Taco Tuesday, it cannot be a bad thing. read more
These roasted sweet potato wedges with chermoula are a winner! You should know that I have a slight chermoula obsession. Chermoula, in case you are not familiar with it, is like a Moroccan chimichurri. There is something about that combination of parsley and cilantro together with saffron, paprika, garlic and lemon that just gets me every time. read more
People are particular about their guacamole, I tell you! They have o-pin-ions. Put yourself out there with a guac recipe and prepare to get into a throwdown. It’s almost as bad as talking about politics. So before I give you my guacamole recipe, can we come together as one and just agree that guacamole is awesome? And that maybe, just maybe, there is no single way to make it? With that said, I stand behind this guac 100%. It’s seriously amazing, refreshingly simple and just what you need for your Taco Tuesday. read more
You guys, I am downright giddy with excitement about this chilled carrot soup. The carrots at the Union Square farmers market were ridiculous they were so pretty. I had no choice but to bring them home with me, even though they weren’t in my plans for the week. I wasn’t immediately sure what I was going to do with them. But it’s been 90+ degrees all week in this humid concrete jungle that I call home and cold soup has sounded pretty flipping awesome. read more
How have I been existing without this lentil salad in my life!? If you have been following Kitchen Below Canal on Instagram, you might know that I have been in St. Barts for the majority of the last couple of weeks. I documented many of my favorite dishes on the island but there were loads of others that didn’t make the cut for reasons that had nothing to do with the food itself – the quality of the photographs, the desire to not bethe person who over-posts, whatever. But when I looked back at my photos, I realized that one of my favorite spots to eat on the island wasn’t in my pics at all. read more
Happy 4th of July, everyone! I hope you are celebrating somewhere great with family and friends! Actually, anyplace is great as long as you are with family and friends, right? If you’re with the people you love, that is everything.
We are here in New York this weekend. We were originally planning to hit the road but instead, we are heading out a week from now in search of much needed surf, sand and sun. We are celebrating, nonetheless, and we kicked things off with this gorgeous platter of crudités with some pretty fab vegan creamy herb dip. If you know me well, you know that I love a good dip. This one is one of the best! It’s one of those things I serve again and again and again. No matter the crowd, the dip is always gone, so I feel safe in telling you it’s a winner! read more
Roast chipotle-lime side of salmon with stone fruit salsa. Where do I even begin!? The first thing you should know is that historically, I haven’t particularly cared for stone fruit. Maybe not the best way to lead in but it’s true. My least favorite category of fruit for sure. I know that I am supposed to like it. How can you be from Louisiana and not like peach cobbler, for example? It was practically the eleventh commandment where I grew up. Thou shalt enjoy gumbo, jambalaya, po-boys and peach cobbler. I love the first three but the fourth – mmm, not so much.
But while you might not be able to sell me on peach cobbler, I am coming around on stone fruit. This salmon dish is crazy good. And the salsa? Oh-my-freaking-seasonal-goodness-you-need-to-make-this-right-now. read more
The coleslaw of my youth was a soggy sweet mess but this red cabbage slaw is the mad good. Plus, it’s so loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that you’re practically guaranteed to glow from the inside out. I think this may have just won a slaw beauty pageant. Definitely ready for it’s closeup! read more