Crudites with Vegan Creamy Herb Dip

Happy 4th of July, everyone! I hope you are celebrating somewhere great with family and friends! Actually, anyplace is great as long as you are with family and friends, right? If you’re with the people you love, that is everything.
We are here in New York this weekend. We were originally planning to hit the road but instead, we are heading out a week from now in search of much needed surf, sand and sun. We are celebrating, nonetheless, and we kicked things off with this gorgeous platter of crudités with some pretty fab vegan creamy herb dip. If you know me well, you know that I love a good dip. This one is one of the best! It’s one of those things I serve again and again and again. No matter the crowd, the dip is always gone, so I feel safe in telling you it’s a winner! read more