Roast Chipotle-Lime Side of Salmon with Stone Fruit Salsa

Roast chipotle-lime side of salmon with stone fruit salsa. Where do I even begin!? The first thing you should know is that historically, I haven’t particularly cared for stone fruit. Maybe not the best way to lead in but it’s true. My least favorite category of fruit for sure. I know that I am supposed to like it. How can you be from Louisiana and not like peach cobbler, for example? It was practically the eleventh commandment where I grew up. Thou shalt enjoy gumbo, jambalaya, po-boys and peach cobbler. I love the first three but the fourth – mmm, not so much.
But while you might not be able to sell me on peach cobbler, I am coming around on stone fruit. This salmon dish is crazy good. And the salsa? Oh-my-freaking-seasonal-goodness-you-need-to-make-this-right-now. read more